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Misplaced confidence in the cyber security of IT systems pose a significant risk. That’s why ToraGuard’s vulnerability scanning services offer an important tool in the fight against cyber-attacks.

All software, applications and other IT systems and networks have areas of strength and areas of weakness. As cyber criminals become more sophisticated, they’re also becoming more adept at finding these vulnerabilities and exploiting them. Countless businesses have learned the hard way that their cyber security system is only as good as the weakest part.

Vulnerability scanning is the process of identifying and highlighting any flaws or areas of weakness in systems and networks, and the software running on them. It is an integral component of vulnerability management which in turn forms the backbone of any successful cyber security strategy.

When To Undertake Vulnerability Scanning

The biggest challenge for vulnerability scanning is knowing what and when to scan. Cyber threats can come from any direction and at any time, and this unpredictability poses the biggest headache for businesses looking to protect their sensitive and secure data. That’s why it is essential to keep an up-to-date asset inventory and ensure that vulnerability scanning also covers non-traditional assets such as BYOD (bring your own device), mobile assets and cloud services.

The vulnerability scan is an application that identifies and creates an inventory of all the systems connected to a network. It also attempts to identify the operating system and software for any device it encounters. Once it has built up this inventory, it checks it against a database of known vulnerabilities, highlighting any that may require attention.

vulnerability scanning services UK

About ToraGuard’s Vulnerability Scanning Services

ToraGuard’s managed vulnerability scanning services offers businesses peace of mind and security through the use of several key features, including:

  •   Internal and external scanning
  •   Asset discovery
  •   Remediation prioritisation
  •   Reporting
  •   Infrastructure maintenance
  •   Scan configuration and scheduling

What Are The Benefits Of Vulnerability Scanning?

Vulnerabilities in IT systems and software are one of the biggest risk areas for any business looking to keep its data secure and maintain high levels of trust with clients and stakeholders. Managed vulnerability scanning reduces the risk of breaches by managing and remediating areas of weakness across all systems.

Vulnerability scanning is far more than just box ticking. It allows businesses to stay ahead of threats and maintain full system visibility. That is why it forms such a core part of any overall security strategy. The goal is not to try and fix everything but to identify the areas of maximum risk and prioritise remediation. That’s how cyber criminals operate and why vulnerability scanning is such an effective tool.

Vulnerability Scanning Vs Penetration Testing: Understanding Your Requirements

Vulnerability scanning is often confused with penetration testing, and while the two are similar, they are not the same. For example, vulnerability scanning is a high-level test that looks for potential weaknesses, while penetration testing is a more exhaustive examination of every area of the network’s complexities. Vulnerability scanning aims to identify flaws, while penetration testing tries to discover the root cause.

Both vulnerability scanning and penetration testing are effective tools for maintaining system strength and security, and ToraGuard offers both types of services to businesses of all profiles.

Why Work With ToraGuard For Vulnerability Scanning?

At ToraGuard, we provide uncompromising cyber security, compliance, and assurance services that safeguard the success of organisations globally.

With threats more unpredictable than ever and businesses more at risk of breaches or security events, using every tool available to create and maintain a secure system is vital.

ToraGuard offers comprehensive managed vulnerability scanning services to help businesses identify flaws and prioritise remediation – keeping you ahead of threats.

Need More Info About Vulnerability Scanning Services?

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